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move. learn. discover.

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Get motivated and fit with light physical activities focused on finger dexterity and core strength.


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Man with Down Syndrome Playing Violin

5 Violin Exercises to Help Build Finger Strength

TakeLessons, Inc.

Just like athletes, musicians must build certain muscles to help them better perform...Violin teacher Julie P. shares some fun violin exercises that help build finger strength… Finger strength is very important for violinists. The fingers in the left hand control the pitches on the violin, while the fingers on the right hand control the bow.

Sit Ups

5 Ways to Gently Begin Strengthening

Your Core

Brook Benten, ACSM-Certified Exercise Physiologist |

Your core muscles help strengthen and stabilize your spine and pelvis, which is why developing a powerful core is the first step to making your whole body stronger. Start firming up your core with these gentle Pilates-based exercises, which will give you a solid foundation for all other movements.

Girl Playing Violin

Strength Exercises for Violists and Violinists

StringOvation Team

When people think of extracurricular activities that require strength, musicianship isn't typically at the top of the list. Yet, others take for granted what musicians realize from their very first practice - playing the viola and violin does, indeed, require a similar emphasis on strength, flexibility, and dexterity as athletics.


10 Tips For Better Finger Dexterity

StringOvation Team

Have you ever felt your fingers cramping while you’re practicing? Are you a beginner music student who is having a hard time developing left-hand finger dexterity, and maybe feel discouraged about it? Building better flexibility and hand strength is an important part of learning to play any string instrument. And, since you’re relying on muscles that have rarely been used, this aspect of training can be a challenge for many students.




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Get motivated and fit with light physical activities focused on finger dexterity and core strength.




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Understand the benefits of how exercising develops both Olympic Athletes and great musicians




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Witness how music influences the World Olympic Stage from the composers to the Athletes




Celebrating musical impact on the World Olympics with fun, light exercises that combine what Olympic athletes and great musicians have in common.

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